Related Constitution
United States Military Academy Class of 1959
SECTION 1. The name of this organization is the United States Military
Academy Class of 1959, hereinafter referred to as the Class.SECTION 2. The Class is a non-profit, self-sustaining, private organization, and will exist until the death of its last Member.
SECTION 3. The Class is not an instrument of the United States Government. It exists solely to serve the members of the Class and the United States Military Academy. It will be administered by individuals not acting within their official capacities as officers, employees, or agents of the United States Government.
SECTION 4. The purpose of this Restated Constitution is to provide a vehicle for the administration of the Class from the effective date of the adoption of this Restated Constitution.
Purpose and Object
SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of the Class is to perpetuate the
association of the members begun as Cadets and, within the meaning of
Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, to support
the members of the Class, including widows and children, and support the
ideals and activities of the United States Military Academy.SECTION 2. Object. The object of the Class is to provide a means for administering Class affairs, to define membership, to deal with Class-related financial matters, and to provide a point of contact, through Class Officers, with the Association of Graduates. The Class will be supported by contributions or fund-raising activities and will not be carried on for profit.
SECTION 1. This organization is composed of all members of the Class
graduated from the United States Military Academy on June 3, 1959 and
during the Summer of 1959 and all ex-members of this Class who are
eligible for membership in the Association of Graduates, USMA.ARTICLE IV
Class Headquarters and Meeting
SECTION 1. The Class headquarters are in Washington, D.C. until changed.
Class headquarters will be changed, as appropriate, by the Class
Committee to reflect the shifting geographical location of the
Class.SECTION 2. There will be an Annual Meeting of the Class at a place designated by the Class Committee. A general notification of the time and place of this meeting will be made to all members of the Class at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting.
Class Committee
SECTION 1. Classification. The Class Committee consists of the Class
Officers and such other members as provided in the Bylaws or by
unanimous consent of the Class Committee.SECTION 2. Class Officers. The Class Officers are the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian and an Information Systems Officer. The Class Officers will perform the duties as prescribed by the Bylaws and in accordance with the parliamentary authority adopted by the Class.
Election. The Class Officers will be elected from the Members of the Class to serve for five (5) years or until their successors are elected, unless they should sooner die, resign, or be removed. Their five-year term of office will begin immediately at the conclusion of the Class Reunion at which they are elected.
Vacancies. Vacancies resulting from the resignation, removal, or death of an Officer may be filled by majority vote of the Class Committee, and the officer so chosen will hold office until the next Reunion. Should the Presidency become vacant, the Vice President will assume the office of President, and the vacancy will exist in the office of the Vice President. The Class Committee may then fill the Vice President’s vacancy.
Removal. A Class Officer may be removed for cause in the event of incapacity or an unwillingness, or inability, to fulfill the designated role. Should a petition for the removal be lodged, the Class Committee will consider the circumstances and decide on the appropriate action. Removal of a Class Officer requires the unanimous vote of the Class Committee excluding the Class Officer subject to the removal proceeding.
SECTION 3. Responsibilities. The Class Committee will have general supervision of the affairs of the Class between business meetings, fix the hour and place of meetings, make recommendations to the Class, and will perform such other duties as are specified in the Bylaws. The Class Committee has responsibility for organizing Class activities and for directing use of the Class Fund. The Class Committee will make a formal report of its activities available to the Class at least once annually. The Class Committee will be subject to the orders of the Class, and none of the Class Committee acts will conflict with the actions taken by the Class.
SECTION 4. Voting. More than one-half of the total members of the Class Committee present for business constitutes a quorum. Class Committee decisions will be determined by majority vote when a quorum is present. Votes may be made in person, in writing, or by telephonic or electronic means.
Class Fund
SECTION 1. The administrative control of the Class Fund will be in the
hands of the Class Treasurer.SECTION 2. The Class Committee is authorized to draw on the Class Fund account for the following purposes:
Upon the death of a Class member or a member of his immediate family – the reasonable cost of an appropriate funeral wreath, flowers or contribution to a fund or charity if such is designated as the preferred form of remembrance.
To make disposition of Class funds for other appropriate purposes, including to defray expenses incident to the conduct of Class affairs.
SECTION 3. Records of the Class Fund, to include all withdrawals and deposits, will be maintained by the Class Treasurer for a minimum of five years. A report of the Class Fund will be presented by the Treasurer at the Annual Meeting.