Position strong> |
Incumbent strong> |
strong> |
strong |
strong |
President | Pete Dawkins | pjdawkins59@gmail.com | Vice Presidents | |
Vice President | Nick Krawciw | nikrawciw@aol.com | Mike Gillete | mj_gillette@gmail.com |
Secretary | Bob Weekley | bobweekley@earthlink.com | Jerry Jervell | jerryjervell@gmail.com |
Treasurer | Art Griffin | artjoyg@comcast.net | Bill Breenl | wbreen59@gmail.com |
Scribe | Hank Larsen | hanklarsen@gmail.com | John McNerney | strachaser@verizon.net |
Band of Brothers - Emeritus | Sandy Beach | debeachjr@gmail.com | ||
Band of Brothers | Jack Neal | jneal@aol.com | Jack O'Brien | jobtrips@aol.com |
Information Systems | Bob Roth | bobro59@gmail.com | Vacant | |
Women of Class | Sue Breen | breenms08@gmail.com | Ann Russell | anntomrussell@gmail.com |
These names also constitute the current "Class Committee." Names in bold are new to the class committee.